NO. 45/M-DAG/PER/9/2009





In view of:


To stipulate:


Article 1

In this regulation:

Article 2

Import may only be done by importers having API.

Article 3

(1) API as described in Article 2 shall consist of:

(2) API-U as described in paragraph (1) a shall be granted to importers importing goods for the need of business activities by trading or transferring the goods to other parties.

(3) API-P as described in paragraph (1) b shall be granted to importers importing goods to be used personally and/or support the production and the goods may not be traded or transferred to other parties.

Article 4

(1) The authority to issue API as described in Article 3 shall be on the Minister.

(2) The Minister shall delegate the authority to issue:

(3) The issuance of API-P as described in paragraph (2) d by Heads of Provincial Agency may only be applied to importers owning business license in the field of industry or other business license of the same kind, which is issued by the authorized technical institution/agency.

(4) The issuance of API as described in paragraph (2) shall be signed for and or. behalf of the Minister.

Article 5

(1) Every importer may only have 1 (one) kind of API.

(2) API shall apply to every activity of the import throughout the territory of Indonesia.

(3) API shall apply to head offices and all branch offices thereof having business activity of the same kind.

Article 6

(1) API shall apply as long as the importers still run their business activities.

(2) Importers owning API shall be obliged to conduct re-registration in the issuer institution every 5 (five) years as from the date of issuance.

(3) The re-registration as described in paragraph (2) shall be not later than 30 (thirty) working days after the 5(five) years period.

Article 7

(1) Import may be executed without API for:

(2) Import may be executed without API in case of:

Article 8

The import without API as described in Article 7 shall secure prior approval of import without API from the Director of Import of the Ministry of Trade.

Article 9

Importers owning API or importers securing approval of import without API shall be responsible fully for the implementation of the import in accordance with API or approval of import without API, which is owned.

Article 10

(1) Importers owning API in executing import shall abide by the provision on:

(2) Ownership of API by importers shall not exempt the obligations which must be fulfilled by importers on the basis of the provision of legislation in the field of the import.

Article 11

(1) Companies planning to submit application for securing API-U as described in Article 3 paragraph (1) a, shall fill completing form as contained in Attachment I to this Regulation and submit the application to head of provincial agency with a copy available to head of local Regent/Municipal Agency by enclosing:

(2) Business entities or contractors in the field of energy, oil and natural gas, mineral as well as other natural resource management which undertake business activities on the basis of production sharing contract with the government of the Republic of Indonesia that plan to submit application for securing API-P as described in Article 3 paragraph (1) b, shall complete the completing form as contained in Attachment II to this Ministerial Regulation to the Director General in this case the Director of Import by enclosing:

(3) Companies in the field of foreign and domestic investment planning to submit application for securing API-P as described in Article 3 paragraph (1) b, shall fill the completing form as contained in Attachment III to this Ministerial Regulation and submit it to the Head of BKPM, by enclosing:

(4) Companies planning to submit application for securing API-P as described in Article 3 paragraph (1) lb shall fill the completing form as contained in Attachment IV to this Ministerial Regulation and submit the application to head of local Provincial Agency with a copy made available to head of local regent/municipal service by enclosing:

(5) The application and/or copy as described in paragraph (1), paragraph (2), paragraph (3) and paragraph (4) may be submitted through:

Article 12

(1) Based on copy of the application for API as described in Article 11 paragraphs (1) and (4), Head of Regent/Municipal Service shall undertake site inspection in not later than 3 (three) working days as from the date of receipt of the copy of application.

(2) In case of the inspection as described in paragraph (1) being unable to complete on time, Provincial Agency can undertake site inspection, which is completed in not later than 7 (seven) working days as from the date of receipt of application.

(3) Result of the inspection as described in paragraph (1) shall be mentioned in Inspection Warrant (BAP).

(4) Heads of Regent/Municipal Service shall convey BAP as described in paragraph (3) to head of Provincial Agency in not later than 2 (two) working days as from the signing date of BAP.

Article 13

(1) The Director General shall issue API-P in not later than 5 (five) working days as from the date of receipt of application as described in Article 11 paragraph (2) completely and truthfully.

(2) In case of the application for API-P as described in Article 11 paragraph (2) being not yet complete and true, the Director General shall grant a letter of rejection to applicant in not later than 7 (seven) working days as from the date of receipt of application along with reason for rejection.

Article 14

(1) The Head of BKPM may issue or reject the issuance of API-P as described in Article 11 paragraph (3).

(2) Further provision on the issuance or rejection of the issuance of API-P as described in paragraph (1) shall be regulated by the Head of BKPM.

Article 15

(1) Heads of Provincial Agency shall issue API-U and API-P as described in Article 11 paragraph (1) and paragraph (4) in not later than 5 (five) working days as from the date of receipt of the complete and true BAPas described in Article 12 paragraph (4).

(2) Heads of Provincial Agency shall convey copy of API-U and API-P as described in paragraph (1) to the Director of Import and Head of Regent/Municipal Service Making BAP.

(3) In case of the rejected application for API-U and API-P as described in paragraph (1) being not yet true and complete, Heads of Provincial Agency shall convey a letter of rejection of application to applicant in not later than 7 (seven) working days as from the date of receipt of BAP with a copy made available to heads of regent/municipal Agency making BAP, accompanied by reason for rejection.

Article 16

(1) Model of API-U and API-P as described in Article 3 shall be contained in Attachments V, VI, VII and VIII to this regulation.

(2) API-U shall be bright blue and API-P shall be bright green with logo of the Ministry of Trade.

Article 17

(1) Companies owning API-P as described in Article 13 paragraph (1) shall report the realization of the import whether the import exists or not, every 3 (three) months to the Director General and heads of Provincial Agency.

(2) Companies owning API-P as described in Article 13 paragraph (1) shall report the realization of the import whether the import exists or not, every 3 (three) months to the Director General and Head of BKPM.

(3) Companies owning API-U or API-P as described in Article 15 paragraph (1) shall report the realization of the import whether the import exists or not, every 3 (three) months to heads of Provincial Agency with a copy made available to Heads of Regent/municipal Agency where the importers are domiciled.

(4) Heads of Provincial Agency shall convey report on recapitulation of the realization of the import by the respective importers having API -U and API-P every 3 (three) months to the Director General.

Article 18

The Head of BKPM and Heads of Provincial Service shall convey report on recapitulation of the issuance of API-U and API-P periodically every 3 (three) months to the Minister

Article 19

(1) Companies owning API-U and API-P shall report any change related to data about API-U and API -P in not later than 30 (thirty) days as from the date of the change to the institution issuing API, with a copy made available to the Director of Import and heads of Regent/municipal Agency where the companies are domiciled.

(2) The change as described in paragraph (1) shall cover:

(3) In case of the change as described in paragraph (1) occurring, companies owning API-U or API-P shall be obliged to submit application for changing API-U or API-P by using the form as contained in Attachment IX by enclosing:

(4) In not later than 3 (three) working days as from the date of receipt of application as described in paragraph (3) completely and truthfully, the issuer institution shall issue new API-U or API-P.

Article 20

(1) API may be frozen if companies owning API and/or executives/directors of companies owning API:

(2) Model of the freezing letter as described in paragraph (1) shall be contained in Attachment X to this regulation.

Article 21

(1) The frozen API as described in Article 20, may be reactivated in case of:

(2) Model of the reactivation letter as described in paragraph (1) shall be as contained in Attachment XI to this regulation.

Article 22

API shall be revoked if importers having API and/or executives/directors of importers having API:

(2) Model of letter of revocation as described in paragraph (1) shall be as contained in Attachments XII to this regulation.

Article 23

(1) In case of API being revoked as described in Article 22 a, b, and/or c, companies may only submit application for new API after one year as form the date of revocation of API.

(2) In case of API being revoked as described in Article 22 d, e, f, g and/or h, Companies may only submit application for new API after 2 (two) years as from the date of revocation of API.

Article 24

The companies as described in Article 23 shall submit application with the requirement as described in Article 11 and return the original API already revoked.

Article 25

(1) The freezing, reactivation and revocation of API-U and API-P as described in Article 20, Article 21 and Article 22 shall be done on behalf of the Minister by:

(2) The Director General shall convey letter of notification about the freezing, re-activation or revocation of API-P as described in Article 20, Article 21 and Article 22 to the said importers with a copy made available to the Minister, Director General of Customs and Excise, Heads of Provincial Agency, heads of Regent/municipal Service and Head of BKPMD of regency/citiy where the importers are domiciled.

(3) The Head of BKPM shall convey notification about the freezing, re-activation and revocation of API-P as described in Article 20, Article 21 and Article 22 to the said importers with a copy made available to the Minister, Director General of Customs and Excise, Heads of Provincial Agency, Heads of Regent/municipal Agency and Head of BKPMD of regency/city where the importers are domiciled.

(4) Heads of Provincial Agency shall convey notification about the freezing, re-activation and revocation of API-P as described in Article 20, Article 21 and Article 22 to the said importers with a copy made available to the Director of Import, Director General of Customs and Excise, Heads of Regent/Municipal Service where importers are domiciled.

Article 26

(1) Every API-U and API-P issued shall be given number consisting of nine digits, followed by letter D, B or P.

(2) The nine digits as described in paragraph (1) shall consist of:

(3) In case of any change in number of regions thus changing code number of province, the new code number shall be stipulated by the Director General.

(4) Model of the numbering of code of provinces, regencies/cities shall be as contained in Attachment XIV to this regulation

Article 27

(1) API-U or API-P issued by heads of Provincial Agency in charge of trading affairs before the stipulation of this regulation shall be declared to remain effective up to one year as from the date of enforcement of this regulation.

(2) API-T or APIT-U issued by the Head of BKPM before the stipulation of this regulation shall be declared to remain effective up to one year as from the date of enforcement of this regulation.

(3) API-K issued by the Director General before the stipulation of this regulation shall be declared to remain effective up to 3 (three) months as from the date of enforcement of this regulation.

(4) API-U or API-P as described in paragraph (1), API-T or APIT-U as described in paragraph (2), and API-K as described in paragraph (3), before expiring, owners of API may submit application for becoming API-U or API -P in accordance with the provisions of this regulation.

Article 28

With the enforcement of this regulation:

Shall be revoked and declared null and void.

Article 29

This Ministerial Regulation shall come into force since January 1, 2010.

For public cognizance, the regulation shall be published by placing it in State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
on September 16, 2009